Prepare the Data:
Merged DataFrames: Combined mouse_metadata and study_results into a single DataFrame.
Checked for Duplicates: Identified and removed duplicate mouse IDs with duplicate time points
Displayed Unique Mice IDs: Showed the number of unique mice IDs in both the merged and cleaned DataFrames.
Generate Summary Statistics:
Calculated mean, median, variance, standard deviation, and SEM of tumor volume for each drug regimen and stored results in a new DataFrame.
Create Bar Charts and Pie Charts:
Bar Charts: Generated bar charts using Pandas and Matplotlib to show the total number of timepoints for each drug regimen.
Pie Charts: Created pie charts using Pandas and Matplotlib to display the distribution of female versus male mice in the study.
Calculate Quartiles, Find Outliers, and Create a Box Plot:
Determined quartiles, interquartile range (IQR), and potential outliers for final tumor volumes across specific treatment regimens.
Created a box plot using Matplotlib to visualize the distribution of final tumor volumes, highlighting outliers.
Create Line Plot and Scatter Plot:
Line Plot: Generated a line plot showing tumor volume over time for a selected mouse treated with Capomulin.
Scatter Plot: Created a scatter plot to depict the relationship between mouse weight and average tumor volume for the Capomulin regimen.
Calculate Correlation and Regression:
Computed correlation coefficient and performed linear regression analysis between mouse weight and average tumor volume for Capomulin-treated mice.
Visualized the regression line on the scatter plot.